Debbie Croft: Tapestry of an Artist
Thomas Hill was a landscape artist in the 19th century who favored monumental vistas. Done in soft, expressive tones, many of his paintings are of the awe-inspiring landmarks within Yosemite National Park.
Born in England, he and his family immigrated to the eastern seaboard of America when he was 15. After attending art school and then visiting Yosemite for the first time, he kept coming back. Eventually he opened a studio at the Historic Wawona Hotel. Some of his works have cost as much as $10,000.
Several of Hill's paintings have been reproduced on canvas, and are now hung "salon style" (covering the wall from floor to ceiling) in an exhibit at the Wawona. For hours of operation and other information, please call the Wawona at (801)559-4884, or visit the Web site:
And in the Sonora area, which is only a hop (to Snelling), a skip (over to La Grange) and a jump (through the hills and up to Columbia) away...
The Sierra Repertory Theatre is featuring the lively musical "Sisters of Swing," a tribute to the Andrews Sisters. SRT Artistic Director Scott Viets says, "This show celebrates not only their music, but also appreciates their impact on our country and why their accomplishments have given them an honored place in history."
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Born in England, he and his family immigrated to the eastern seaboard of America when he was 15. After attending art school and then visiting Yosemite for the first time, he kept coming back. Eventually he opened a studio at the Historic Wawona Hotel. Some of his works have cost as much as $10,000.
Several of Hill's paintings have been reproduced on canvas, and are now hung "salon style" (covering the wall from floor to ceiling) in an exhibit at the Wawona. For hours of operation and other information, please call the Wawona at (801)559-4884, or visit the Web site:
And in the Sonora area, which is only a hop (to Snelling), a skip (over to La Grange) and a jump (through the hills and up to Columbia) away...
The Sierra Repertory Theatre is featuring the lively musical "Sisters of Swing," a tribute to the Andrews Sisters. SRT Artistic Director Scott Viets says, "This show celebrates not only their music, but also appreciates their impact on our country and why their accomplishments have given them an honored place in history."
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